Sonic and Mario Games


Mario was first introduced in 1981 in the Donkey Kong game that was available in the arcade. At that point he was known as “Jumpman,” however he looked exactly the same as the Mario we have all come to know in the Mario Bros. franchise. The Mario game that brought […]

Tennis Games To Play With Kids


Tennis is a sport which is perfect for kids; it’s fun, it’s good exercise, and it’s relatively safe to play in comparison with slightly rougher ‘contact’ sports such as rugby and football. Kids playing tennis will see a marked improvement in their agility, coordination, flexibility, speed, and strength, as well […]

Benefits Of Playing Anime Games


Anime games have in the recent past come to be accepted as a global phenomenon. With their roots in Japan, they have grown in leaps and bounds to reach where they are today. Anime is derived from Manga, which refers to Japanese comic books. They are basically derived from comic […]

Effects of Mobile Games On Human Life


There is a difference between the bringing up of the children nowadays and the way their parents were raised by their parents. The main reason for this difference is the new scientific inventions. One of these inventions is the smartphone, the mobile phones with large screens of about six to […]

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