All Impact Players “In The Zone” Enter “ZoneOut” as a user profile name, then select Practice mode. After the first play, all Impact Players will be “In The Zone”. Reggie Bush Successfully complete Dynasty mode with USC to unlock Reggie Bush as a historic player. Cheat mode At the Pennant […]
Backup PS3 Games – Copy PlayStation 3 Games and Burn Them Quickly
Sony’s PlayStation 3 game has become a matter of pride for the owner due to their excellent quality graphics and unbeatable sound system. Nonetheless, these games are costlier and the gamer feels reluctant to fork out for the same game under the condition that his game has got corrupted. There […]
The Mexican Flag – The Eagle on the Cactus
The Mexican flag is a red, white and green banner with the Mexican Coat of Arms right in the center of it. The red symbolizes the blood that was shed during the battles for independence. The white symbolizes purity. The green symbolizes the earth’s fertility. Now, the coat of arms […]
Video Game Consoles – A Complete Entertainment Device
A video game console is an interactive entertainment device which apart from acting as a gaming console also acts as a device for playing music, videos, DVD and online connectivity. So, we can say that the gaming consoles not only targets the gaming fraternity but it also acts as a […]
Software to Burn PS3 Games – Learn to Pick the Best PlayStation 3 Game Copying Software Programs
The PlayStation 3 games are becoming pricier day by day, which has made the avid PS3 gamers to back up their PS3 games. It is clear that to copy and back up the PS3 games is the need of the hour. Now the question how to choose the best game […]
PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale Video Game Review and Game Release Date
The heavily smash brothers inspired, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale game has been the focus of many gamers since it was initially revealed. The game has been loved by those who have played it and the way it feels makes it a unique experience for the Sony consoles. Speaking of unique […]
Aphrodite – The Goddess of Love
Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, lust, procreation, sexual reproduction and fertility. Her Roman equivalent is the goddess Venus. She is also the protector of the sailors and the myrtle, the dove, the sparrow, the swan, the apple, the scallop shell and the mirror are sacred to […]
WWE SmackDown Vs Raw 2008 Free Download and Review
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 is a popular wrestling video game based on the famous WWE-style wrestling. It is developed by Yuke’s Future Media Creators and marketed by THQ. It is the latest installment in the WWE SmackDown! series of video games. It will be soon followed by WWE SmackDown […]
How To Breed a Gold Chocobo in Final Fantasy 7
Today we’re going to go over how to breed a gold chocobo in the popular title from SquareSoft called Final Fantasy 7. You can find this game on PC, PlayStation 1 and also PlayStation 3 (DLC). This method works on all of those platforms so don’t worry. To start this […]
PS4 Release Date – “More Than Ten Years Away”?
Recently I read an article about the PS4 release date that had the headline “Hirai Suggests PS4 Is More Than Ten Years Away”. After reading the article, I found he made no suggestion whatsoever as to when the PlayStation 4 release date would be, and again it was more speculation […]