Do’s and Don’ts of Mobile Game Development for Mobile App Developers


Evolution of smart phone devices like iPhone, Android, BlackBerry etc. has changed the way of people thinking about mobile games before. Developing the same for iOS, android or blackberry devices could be quite an attention seeking process, specifically if you have just entered into mobile game development. Many experienced mobile application developers, even though having years of experience in developing variety of mobile apps, fails to develop successful games due to forgetting some of the important gaming aspects.

Developing a game for mobile has become vital part of mobile application development industry due to its immensely growing popularity. If you are taking baby steps into mobile gaming and wish to start with bang, then do keep in mind below mentioned do’s and don’ts for mobile game development.

• Do keep in mind the limitations of mobile devices! Many novice mobile developers often forget the practical limitations of mobile devices while developing game for mobile devices, which leads to failure of the same at the end.

• Don’t copy some already popular games! Many developers often copy already successful games to make their first game development process less complex, as it won’t help you get attention from target audience. Don’t just blindly copy, but take idea from it or take it to next level with your imagination.

• Do keep in mind screen resolution of mobile devices! It is very crucial to design game by keeping in mind type of devices available in market. Android comes in variety of handsets with different resolution, whereas iPhone has different screen size. So, decide the device first to develop successful game.

• Don’t forget the importance of appropriate marketing and promotion! The success of your game is heavily depended on the way you project your creation through marketing and promotion. Plan and workout on marketing strategies from the beginning will help you get success of your mobile.

• Do keep in mind who is your target audience and what they expect from your game! Decide your target audience first, whether you wish to design creation for toddlers or kids or for youth, and try to know what actually they expect and want. Try to conduct some research and feedback for the same.

• Don’t forget the importance of sound! Sound is key element of mobile game, so do pay lot more attention while incorporating sound within the same. It should be appropriate and suitable to the type of game you have developed.

• Do try to release your game with free version to get instant catch by target audience.

• Don’t overlook UI and character design of your creation.

• Do get familiar with different game engines and SDK’s of different platforms.

So, above we see some of the effective do’s and don’ts of mob game development that every mobile developer should keep in mind while developing game for variety of mobile devices.

Copyright © 2012

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