Key Initial Steps to Building Your Own Website




So, you’ve decided to build your own website and aren’t sure where to start. Don’t worry; the process is a relatively simple one, so follow this guide to get your site up and running fast.

Choose Your Server Host

Start by considering the server host to use for your website. Here are the things to take into account when choosing a host.

Think about how you envisage your site being used not just right now but in the future. Does it need to have the option to grow and develop? Shared hosting is often a great choice for small sites and those that don’t feature an e-commerce element, but when it comes to room to expand, they may not be the best option for you.

Cloud hosting is a good all-round option. It provides plenty of opportunities to scale up without requiring you to pay for lots of additional space and bandwidth before you need it. A VPS is also a good option for businesses that are likely to require lots of space and storage, although this could be an expensive option for a start-up that doesn’t necessarily need all of the space and features that a VPS offers straight away.

Finally, if you’ll be working with multiple high-traffic sites, then a dedicated server is probably your best option, as it can be scaled according to your needs. For more information on how to pick the perfect server host.have a look at this article – you’ll find lots of advice on the things you should consider as part of your decision.

Select The Right Website Builder

The easiest way to get your website up and running is to use a website builder; there are lots available, so take some time to research and make sure the one you pick best suits your needs.

Think about what you want your website to do and your budget. If you want to build a simple site, either for personal use or as a showcase for your business portfolio, for example, then a cheap web builder plan will probably provide you with everything you need. Larger sites and those incorporating e-commerce elements or that you expect to scale up in the future are probably better served with a more expensive package that incorporates the services and features you need.

Some website builders have a free option; be aware, though, that these plans will usually lock you out of accessing many of the tools you may need.

Choose Your Domain Name

Selecting the right domain name is crucial. Ensure it is relevant to your business, as visitors will see it when they search for you or visit your site. Avoid the use of numbers, if you can, and keep it short and sweet – you’re aiming for a name that’ll be memorable. And finally, make sure that it’s a name that another brand isn’t already using.

Once you’ve decided on your domain name, you will usually be able to register it via your website builder. This process is usually integrated into the rest of the build and is quick and easy.

Pick The Perfect Templates

Most website builders feature a wide range of fully customizable templates, making it easy for you to create a unique site tailored to the needs and branding of your business

The majority of builders will have an easy step-by-step process to guide you through the process of setting up and fully customizing your templates. As part of this, you’ll usually be able to add new pages to your navigation, change the color, size, and fonts of buttons, link/embed social media platforms, add contact forms, and much more.

Upload Your Own Content

Once your templates are completed and customized, it’s time to upload some of your own content in the form of, for example, written content, video, and images. For best results, use plenty of appealing visuals, and avoid big chunks of text that can appear off putting on the screen.

Keep language simple and reader-friendly, leave out jargon, and don’t forget to thoroughly proofread before taking your site live.

In terms of images, use the best quality possible; compress them before adding them to your site so that there’s no risk of them slowing down your site load speed.

Add Extra Elements

Most website builders will give you the facility to add ecommerce options quickly and easily to your site, which will allow you to take payments securely online.

You may also want to consider adding other apps to your website for extra functionality – such as forms. Installing and integrating apps is usually a simple process. Head over to the relevant app store to find what you need; you may want to check out online reviews first to get an idea of quality and reliability etc.

Test Your Site

And finally, test and preview your site before it goes live! Go through it with a fine-tooth comb, looking for typos, grammatical issues, problems with images, etc.; also check that all links work and the functionality of elements such as the shopping basket or search form.

Use the preview option to see your website in exactly the way that your virtual visitors will and, when you’re ready, go live to the world!


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