I think it’s only a matter of time before the RE4 remake is announced, since I think the cat is already out of the bag. I’m all for them making it a scarier game. But to be honest, RE4 was never a game I felt was truly indicative of the franchise.
I remember The Evil Within had a very terrifying village portion where you were attacked by a creature with a chainsaw, in a barn. They definitely copied that from RE4, but I thought that game was actually scarier.
I really do think Capcom will need to remake CV. But I hope there won’t be any more remakes after that game. Because then people will assume RE5 will be remade next. You know? There has to be an end to these remakes. It starts to look as if companies can’t do anything but rely on nostalgia.
I’d rather see another Revelations game, or something similar. With these side story games, the opportunity is certainly there to bring back characters who are well liked, but who haven’t appeared in anything RE related for a number of years.
For example, Rebecca Chambers is well liked, so maybe they could bring back Billy Coen. Nobody knows what happened to him after he left Rebecca in the forest. It’s kind of sad to have a character built up, just to be forgotten. Because we never really found out if he did order that those people in Africa be executed. There’s a flashback scene in RE0 suggesting he may have did the killing. Or it was him who got set up, because he didn’t want to get involved in killing innocent people. The story basically went that they showed up, and they couldn’t go home empty handed. But it wasn’t really clear if Billy was innocent. He was tried, though, but his escape occurred after zombie dogs attacked his transportation vehicle.
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