To celebrate the upcoming massive patch and new character, Genshin Impact is going to be running one of its famous web events from now until May 31st, this one is called To Ensnare a Prey. Themed after the upcoming hero Yelan, this event will see you completing various tasks for the Gardening Ministry to unlock some free in-game rewards.
In case you aren’t familiar with how Genshin does these web events, the gist of it is, essentially, that there will be tasks you can complete within the browser-based window that To Ensnare a Prey is hosted within, and as you complete these tasks, they’ll reward your linked account with in-game materials and consumables to help your progression before the next patch drops.
The challenges that To Ensnare a Prey cover are all in relation to trying to figure out who leaked information outside of the inner circle of the Garden Ministry. The primary force you’ll be working with during the event is indeed the new character Yelan, who will show off her cunning and ruthless wit that she normally hides as you chase down this villain.
By completing what is asked of you with these challenges, you’ll unlock both Primogems, the premium currency of Genshin Impact, and some character ascension materials, both of which are usually quite rare to get, so this is a nice free chance to gather up what you might need to upgrade Yelan when she releases alongside the update.
If you’re in need of those ascension materials or the free premium currency, you can visit the web-event over at the Genshin Impact website. Here, you’ll also find the links to Google Play and the App Store, where you can download the game for free as well, so get out there and prep before Yelan finally drops within the coming weeks!
Do you need another gacha to play alongside Genshin? Check out our Top 25 best gacha games for Android!
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