Added options for players with color vision deficiencies: COLOR ASSIST TYPE A, B, and C. These can be found in the OPTIONS > GAMEPLAY > TETRIMINO COLORS. These new options add patterns to MagicMinos in CONNECTED/CONNECTED VS, and to TRADITIONAL Tetriminos to make them easier to identify.
Changed the default NEXT QUEUE display to 4 instead of 1.
The word TAP is now displayed when reviving in CONNECTED and CONNECTED VS if you fail to TAP 3 times consecutively.
Fixed an issue where, in rare cases, Tetriminos would not appear and the game would not progress during the second game of ZONE BATTLE when a player’s network connection is poor.
Removed a system message prompting you to connect to the Internet when launching the game without a network connection.
Changed the default cursor position in CONNECTED to your highest-cleared area.
Changed the default cursor position in CONNECTED VS lobbies to BOSS instead of READY.
Other minor adjustments and bug fixes.
KNOWN IN-GAME ISSUES (not a comprehensive list)
Changing the Nintendo Switch system clock to a future time and posting scores in online multiplayer and then resetting it back could prevent your scores from updating in online multiplayer. Please do not change the system clock when playing online multiplayer.
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