In the universe of Moo Lander, milk reigns as the supreme energy source, possessing a power second only to the stellar explosions of a dying star. Trouble is, it’s rapidly becoming scarce. The steaks – er, stakes – for your civilization are high, but rumors of an ancient device capable of producing infinite quantities of milk have reached your ears. After hoofing it to the only functioning spacecraft your civilization has left, you set out to a gorgeous, handcrafted world full of deadly aliens and ancient taurine foes.
Moo Lander Releases This May
What to Know Regarding “Mootroidvania” Title
Over 20 Mighty Cows await your arrival in Moo Lander, each with their own unique abilities and personalities. Granny Toxic sends her horde of poisonous minions after you, while the Last Milkbender exercises complete control over the precious substance. Supreme Rabbit Cow – this is not a joke – uses its explosive carrots and superior mobility, honed over the centuries, to baffle its foes and stay one step ahead of the vicious, carnivorous Cowger.
Each Mighty Cow has a unique Cow AI that governs their behavior and demands a carefully considered approach. Milk sabers, dairy beams, and more are at your disposal, but you dare not harm the Ancient Mighty Cows. These reverential beasts must be overcome with non-lethal methods and careful use of the environment.
When you need a break from locking horns with the planet’s defenders, you and up to three others can play one of Moo Lander’s four Mooltiplayer modes in couch co-op or remotely via Steam Remote Play. Rustle up some friends to take on the powerful Cow AI together or throw all the chips down in fierce PvP combat. If you need something a bit more combat-free, join in the Cow Races and chase down the planet’s bovines in tense competition.
For more details and to check out the Moo Lander Free PC demo, visit Moo Lander Steam Page
Back in 2010 the two programmers, future co-founders of the company (Yasen and Dimitar), met at the Plovdiv Highschool of Musical Arts. Then we started programming together, developing websites, mobile applications, PC software and most importantly – games! The people behind Moo Lander come from all over the world. We have a level designer from Canada, a couple of artists from Romania and Colombia, sound effects from the USA, an intern from Hong-Kong, and developers from over five different cities in Bulgaria. Not only that, but amongst the creative team of Moo Lander there are a pianist, a guitarist, a hydro engineer, a beekeeper and a tour guide. We touch all levels of art and creation!
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