Fix PS3 Green Light Flashing Problem – Simple Ways to Repair PS3 Green Blinking Light Error


Of the multiple errors that can strike the PlayStation 3, you may one day have to fix the PS3 green light flashing problem. This issue is perhaps one of the most antagonizing for the average user. The unit appears to power up for about 3 seconds and then shuts down before the system has a chance to boot. When this happens you need to fix PS3 green light flashing problem in order to get your console working again.

Simple Ways To Repair PS3 Green Light Flashing At Home:

In order to fix PS3 green light flashing problem you’re going to have to do some troubleshooting on your machine. The usual steps of unplugging everything and doing a hard reset apply. These are universal and advisable for any error on any console. If this doesn’t work then you’re going to have to go a bit deeper into your PlayStation.

Typically you get this error when something is not operating correctly inside the unit. This is different from a display or hardware errors, these still allow the console to be turned on. In the event you need to fix PS3 green light flashing problem chances are something is not working with your power supply.

If the PlayStation 3 detects a problem in the power supply or any other components that might cause severe damage it will not boot. If you want to fix PS3 green flashing light error you need to track down the faulty component and replace it. Do note that this is a safety feature designed to keep the console from overloading and requires some dis-assembly to fix. If you are uncomfortable disassembling your unit to fix PS3 green light flashing problem then you should send it in to get it fixed.

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