Are Cornhole Board Games Still in Fashion?


If you are from the Midwest, then you may know about these games as cornhole board games, but in other areas of the country, they are often known as bean bag games. These are the simple games we played as youngsters whereby a small bag of beans was thrown through a hole in a piece of wood. This all sounds simple enough, but believe it or not, people are still playing this and are constantly improving on the game itself.

Cornhole board games are usually played in one of two ways – either by throwing a bag through a board that is on a slant or completely vertical, or by throwing a bag at a board that is horizontal and slippery. These games are played in many different ways, some with scoring and some without, from a distance or more close up for the little kids. The truth is that there is an endless way of playing cornhole board games and every family has their own set of rules.

So if you are planning a picnic or a family outing, then it might be worth your while to check out the wide variety of cornhole board games that are now available online. Of course, if you have a piece of plywood, a saw, and a couple of old socks full of beans, you can make your own set, but the new games that are available are a lot of fun and provide you with more options as to how to play the game.

One way of playing is to play for points. Most of the boards that you buy online will provide you with a set of rules, but you can certainly make up your own. Usually, the smaller the hole on the board, the more points you will get, and you can decide just how high you would like to play. Some people prefer to have contestants alternate turns, while other people like to have one player throw all six or eight bags and attain a score that everyone else has to beat. This is fun because the score can be maintained over several vacations with everyone always trying to beat it.

One of the unique features of any cornhole board games is that they are as easy to play for the little kids as they are for the older people. Even though the games can get very competitive, they don’t have to be, and it is perfectly fine for children to compete against adults. This is one game where the adults won’t always win, nor will the most athletic children always win. There is a certain measure of chance to the game and that is what makes it fun.

Whether you decide to build your own cornhole or bean bag set or you buy one online, you will most likely find that this is one toy that everyone always wants to bring on vacation and that will provide the entire family with hours of fun for years on end.

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