September 10, 2024


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30th Wedding Anniversary Party Games – Making Your Day a Pearler

30th Wedding Anniversary Party Games – Making Your Day a Pearler

When organizing your 30th wedding anniversary, party games can add loads of fun to the occasion. You can reminisce about times past, remember what the big day was like or just let your hair down!


This 30th wedding anniversary party game is truly memorable, and fantastic if your party is likely to be raucous affair! Since 30 years marks your Pearl anniversary, why not go ‘diving for pearls’? Prior to the party, prepare a large batch of a sloppy or gooey food – Jello, oatmeal, cookie dough or mashed potato all work well. Divide the mixture among several large bowls (one for each team), and conceal an even number of “pearls” (small plastic beads) in each bowl. Players divide into teams, and one player from each team is the “pearl diver” – they must immerse their hands in the goo to remove as many pearls as possible in 45 seconds. A messier – and much funnier – alternative is to make the “pearl divers” use only their face to search for pearls. The team with the most pearls after 45 seconds wins this 30th wedding anniversary party game.


Many 30th wedding anniversary party games allow guests to reminisce about the year in which they or their friends were married; this is one such example. Browse the internet for logos of 10 or 15 quintessential products from 30 years ago. Copy and paste these onto a single page, and print enough copies to give your guests one each. Guests must try and guess which product each logo is advertising; the person who gets the most answers correct is the winner of this 30th wedding anniversary party game.