The Xbox 360 is probably the most popular console available right now. Moreover, the games designed for the Xbox are being played by millions of people right now. The only negative about Xbox 360 games is that they’re expensive and can easily get damaged. To avoid spending a lot of […]
Month: February 2024
Lacrosse Game Substitution Strategy
At the risk of sounding like a wimpy coach I am going to go the sport of Professional Basketball as a metaphor. Think that is a bad idea? Well at least I did not suggest Soccer… Professional Basketball coaches have a defined strategy for substitution patterns. I am pretty sure […]
Game Versus Beef Biltong
Biltong has long been recognised in South Africa as the perfect accompaniment to arduous hunting trips, mountaineering expeditions and sitting through a rugby game. With growing numbers of ex-pat communities around the world biltong – a dry cured meat – has travelled the globe and is finding increasing popularity amongst […]
The Soldier and the Vampire, a Russian Fairy Tale for Playing RPG Games
Eastern Europe and Russian are the lands of the vampires. Few peoples have created such a dark pantheon of creatures as have those in Eastern Europe, so it comes as no surprise that Russian Fairy tales like that of “The Soldier and the Vampire” will help you make some of […]
The Wonderful Up Sides of Playing Board Games
Your children needs and wants to be with you with no objective except the delight of spending time together. They want you to take joy in them, listen to them, and play with them. Nothing strengthens their self-worth more! So let’s get out a board game tonight? Playing board games […]
How to Care for Your Basketball Jersey
There are two very important things that are involved in caring for a basketball jersey. The first step is involved in washing the basketball jersey. The second step is involved in storing the basketball jersey. Washing the basketball jersey There are several steps in the process of washing a basketball […]
Best Places to Practice Basketball
If there’s one question I get asked over and over, all the time really, it’s this: Where should I practice basketball? That’s a tricky question for several reasons that I will get into later in the article. For now, I will just say that its something that needs to be […]
Computer Gaming Online Role-Playing
Computer gaming online role-playing is quite a fun spin on the old favorite of role-playing games that have been sold in comic shops for years. In a way, this is consistent with the expanding world of were our leisure activities are going as computers become more and more ingrained in […]
YoVille Strategy For Beginners
The game YoVille has gained profound success in the Facebook world. The game mimics real life and uses virtual currency to purchase a home, furniture, etc,. And of course it involves silly tasks and games that are required to earn your coveted coins. In YoVille the possibilities are endless as […]
A Winning Strategy For Farkle
If you Google the history of Farkle, you’ll find numerous theories as to the origin of the game, all significantly different. But one thing we know for sure: Farkle is older than dirt. First there was Farkle, then dirt. Why do you suppose it’s been around for so long? Probably […]